Dr Barbara Louw is down-to-earth and easy to relate to because she approaches people in a compassionate and optimistic way. Nonetheless, she achieved multiple postgraduate qualifications and the articles in this section reflect her passion to demystify life issues in such a way that people can grow in wellness. The articles display the following:
- As an experienced counsellor, she explains to her clients how she can help by giving you a basic “road map” to her approach.
- She helps you to find hope and gently encourages you to grow towards healing and wholeness.
- As a consultant to your company, she offers ad hoc and retainer-based solutions-focused advice, training and trauma relief facilitation.
- Her approach in the corporate environment is based on timeous assistance and intervention, followed by appropriate professional intervention.
Daar sal storms wees
Hallo Nadia
As dit rof gaan in ʼn mens se lewe is daar baie onrusbarende dinge wat ʼn mens raaksien. Dit is geen troos om die koerant op te tel of nuus te luister nie. Moord, politieke korrupsie, meningsgevegte en brandstofpryse dra nie by tot my siel se saligheid nie.
Daar is baie verstaanbare en onverklaarbare dinge wat ons harte met vrees kan vul.
Latest News
- Canvas Prints of My Artwork
- Beware
- Wholistic Wellness Coaching Model
- Fear, fake news and false facades
- Working from home? What a scary thought!
- The therapeutic value of art and play
- Hartswysheid en Kopkennis vir Vriende
- I Am Your Breakthrough Champion
- The why and the how of A Sensible Vision
- From Posttraumatic Embitterment To Wholeness In Healthcare
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