Helping traumatized clients is more than just listening. Aquilla Advisors’ facilitators are trainer in various disciplines in order to provide the best available support to our clients. Just talking about a traumatic experience can put an emotional tail-spin on the experience, causing more harm. We are committed to help all our clients to put trauma behind them.

Definition clarification:

I believed that Christian Counseling is rooted in the Bible and a two-thousand year tradition of loving pastoral care to facilitate the kind of cure that Jesus promised. In my practice we work to help or clients find peace, wholeness, direction and stability in Christ.

In Christian Counseling the true power to change comes from the Holy Spirit’s active involvement in the process of encouragement, consolation, challenge and transformation into the likeness of Christ.

Traumatology is a health and social science which is concerned with all the aspects of emotional trauma and crisis on the individual and society. Traumatology brings together the inputs and draws on a host of related sciences, such as: psychology, sociology, theology, nutrition and others. The study of traumatology enables the practitioner  to provide supportive and curative interventions to sufferers of trauma.

Coaching is about creating change that helps enhances performance and learning. Coaches emphasize new competencies, learning and goal attainment. In fact, a coach is a personal navigator for the journey of life, focusing on what the clients want. Everything in coaching hinges on listening with the client’s agenda in mind. COMENSA defines coaching as “a professional, collaborative and outcomes-driven method of learning that seeks to develop an individual and raise self-awareness so that he or she might achieve specific goals and perform at a more effective level”.

COMENSA defines mentoring as “a partnership in which a mentee is assisted in making significant advances in knowledge, perspective and vision in order to develop their full potential; the mentor’s wisdom is utilized by the mentee to facilitate and enhance new learning and insight.” The mentor’s focus is the development of the learner, and about passing on personalized, domain-specific knowledge.

It is very important to ensure that the person helping you is properly trained and registered to offer these services. Don’t be afraid to ask to see registration documents.